Quelles sont les meilleures crypto-monnaies pour les jeux d'argent?

Les meilleures pièces cryptocurrenty pour le jeu

L’un des plus grands cas d’utilisation de crypto-monnaie est le jeu et la crypto-gaming. Les crypto-monnaies sont une percée dans l’écosystème du jeu, car ils permettent aux gens de jouer instantanément, anonymement et sans examen/réglementation. Toutefois, avec tant de crypto-monnaies là-bas, il est naturel de demander: quelle crypto-monnaie est le meilleur pour les jeux d'argent? Découvrons.

Coût & facilité d’utilisation

Le jeu en ligne est une question d’argent et de vitesse. Les monnaies comme le Ripple (XRP) et EOS sont excellentes pour ça, pour deux raisons principales.

  • Coûts de transaction. Depuis que les cryptomonnaies comme EOS et XRP ne fonctionnent plus sur les mécanismes traditionnels du blockchain, ils sont en mesure de réduire considérablement les frais de transaction. Cela signifie que vous n’avez pas à payer un supplément pour chaque dépôt de casino.
  • Temps de Block. Des cryptomonnaies comme EOS et XRP ont un temps de block ultra-rapide, qui valide votre dépôt à être crédité instantanément (En fait, Les dépôts au casino en XRP n'ont pas de période d'attente). Most gamblers care about getting their deposit as fast as possible in order to not miss anything: XRP is perfect for this.
  • Great for gamblers on a budget. Standard coins such as Bitcoin come with prohibitive transaction costs (and sometimes, minimum deposit requirements). The low fees associated with coins like EOS and XRP allow for gamblers to play to their heart’s desire – even on a low budget!

Privacy & sécurité

This is the other side of the coin (no pun intended), and acts in opposition to the previous section. For smaller gamblers, privacy and security aren’t paramount, but the bigger you get, the more important these aspects start to become.

  • Blockchain privacy. Currencies like XRP tend to be a lot more centralized than distributed networks such as Ethereum. This means they can trace users, some of whom would rather stay hidden. You can “mix” your coins to avoid blockchain analysis, but this isn’t possible with centralized networks. Mixing only works if the network is decentralized, and if there’s a big enough pool of participants (thus mixing works best on the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks).
  • Transaction immutability. If a network is centralized and has a low hashpower, it’s easy for a malicious entity to take over the network with a 51% attack. It also means the entity can roll back transactions, edit balances, and do much more. The risk of this becomes exponentially lower the larger the network becomes – this is why it’s virtually impossible to perform a 51% attack on the Bitcoin network. Once a Bitcoin transaction gets one confirmation, it’s 100% secure: however, the same cannot be said for smaller coins, which often require 6 to 25 confirmations before being considered secure.

There are two major schools of thought here, and deciding which one you want to side with depends on your particular use case. If you’re a small-time gambler who just wants to have a lot of fun, you can go with any of these coins. EOS and XRP are great for you, since they allow for an instant experience.

Toutefois, if you are risking large amounts of money or if you don’t want your cryptocurrency being traced back to your Coinbase (or other identity-linked account), you should side with the bigger coins like BTC and ETH. These are secured by more hashing power (and are less susceptible to attacks), and also have large mixing services which can ensure privacy while you’re gambling. FortuneJack is a massive gambling site that accepts bitcoins for a wide variety of live and online games. Kingbit accepts bitcoins, too, so go ahead and make an account there!

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Auteur : Rick de BestBitCasinos.com
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